To change your login email, you will need to delete your current account and create a new one. This will erase all data stored from your connected filtration systems.
Delete Your Account
1. Open the iQua app and click on your system.
2. Click on the gear icon on the lower right, then choose Account Settings.
3. Choose the Delete Account option. Press continue.
4. Close out of the app completely.
Create a New Account
1. Open the iQua app and choose the Create Account button below the password field (Figure 1).
2. Enter the requested information on the ‘Create New Account’ form (Figure 2). Make sure to check the I agree statements at the bottom of the form before pressing ‘Complete’.
3.Once completed, you will receive an email from with an activation link.
4. Click on the activation link. This will route you to a webpage displaying ‘Success! Your account is enabled!”.
5. After activation, continue to our iQua™ Set-up Guide.