If you've noticed water leaking from your softener, you'll want to use the quick guide below to pinpoint the leak and get it fixed. Let's see what you've got going on.
Where is the leak coming from?
Underneath the Top Cover
#1 Valve Head
Water leaking from the softener's main valve assembly is usually a sign of an O-ring seal that needs replacing. Please visit our Valve Head Leak article for further troubleshooting.
#2 Bypass Assembly
If your softener's bypass valve is leaking, please visit our Bypass Leak article to troubleshoot and find a solution.
#3 Overflow Hose
If water is spilling from your softener's overflow hose, the water level in your tank is too high. Please visit our Excess Water in Tank article to troubleshoot.
Note: If no drain hose is attached to your tank overflow, we recommend installing one. Replacement parts can be purchased here.
#4 Floor
If there's water on the floor beneath your softener, please visit our Salt Tank Leak article for some troubleshooting tips.
#5 Drain Hose
If water continually leaks from your softener's drain hose during the day, please visit our Constant Draining article for help with troubleshooting.
#6 Resin Tank
If water appears to be dripping down the sides of the softener's inner resin tank, you'll want to start by wiping away the water with a towel, including any condensation that may have formed. Then, watch to see if water begins to drip down from the top of the tank. Go ahead and reach around the sides and back of the tank as well to check for moisture. If water leaks from the top of the tank, we recommend replacing the distributor O-rings. Replacement parts can be purchased here. If you'd like to check if you're still under warranty check out our article What is my Warranty.
Important: If you're unsure where the water is coming from, please visit our Check for Internal Leaks article for additional troubleshooting.
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