Hey there! Sometimes alerts or messages may show up on the screen of your water softener. Here, we've listed some that you may come across. Click on the alert that came up for you below (in red) to learn more or scroll down to read them all. If your screen's displaying an error code, click here.
Low Salt Flashing or Low Salt Message
If the Low Salt light is flashing or you have a low salt message, it means that you need to add more salt to the tank, or the salt level needs to be reset. The salt should be between the 2-5 on the brinewell inside the unit (pictured below.) It may alert you that it's low even when it's at the 2. If it's doing this you'll want to add more salt so the alert stops.
- Please visit our Salt Programming article to update the level if you need to.
- Head on over to our Status Light article to learn more about what the light functions mean.
CLN refers to clean. The 'Clean' message will pop up every 4 months to remind you to use the cleanser in your softener. For cleanser information and instructions, please visit our Water Softener Cleanser article.
You can press any button on your control panel to clear this message.
Salt Efficiency
If the Salt Efficiency Setting 'E' indicator is displayed, this feature has been turned on. This means your softener may recharge more but use smaller quantities of salt and water. Check out the 'E' Efficiency Setting article for more information.
*NOTE: This feature must be turned on if you reside in the state of California.
Flashing Bars
If you see black flashing bars on the screen, it's showing you that water is currently flowing through your softener, and there is currently softened water being used somewhere your home.
This code tells you that your water softener's control panel has been exposed to moisture or water damage. If this happens, you can try to dry your control panel. Go ahead and unplug and removing the control panel from the top cover. Wipe down any wet spots you see and set it aside for a few days to dry out. Otherwise, you can use a hair dryer on it. If the code continues to display after drying it out, you'll need to replace the control panel. Click here to order replacement parts.
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