Do you have Ferrous Iron (Clear Water Iron) in your water supply? If so, that means you'll need to do a little calculation to program the correct hardness level in your softener. Take a look at the instructions below on how to convert the value correctly.
1. You'll want to have your hardness number in GPG (grains per gallon).
2. Get your clear water iron value in PPM (parts per million). For each PPM of iron, you'll need to multiply it by five (5) and then add it onto the hardness value.
For example, if you have a hardness of 15 gpg and clear water iron of 1ppm you'll multiply the 1 by 5. Then add that to your hardness number (15), totaling your new hardness number 20pgp.
3. Press the Select button multiple times until the 'Hardness' setting shows. Now use the Up/Down arrows to set the correct value. If you need more instruction, visit our Hardness Programming article.
4. Once your number is set, use the Select button a few times to return to the home screen.
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