Once you've installed the iQua App, you'll want to follow the steps below to create and activate your account. Let's get started!
1. Open the app on your phone and allow location access.
2. Select the ‘Create Account’ button.
3. Enter the requested information on the ‘Create New Account’ form. At the bottom, make sure to check the box and agree to the Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy before pressing ‘Complete’.
4. Once completed, you'll get a confirmation on your screen that activation email will be sent.
5. You should receive it within a few minutes. The email will be from noreply@myiqua.com and it'll include an activation link. Click on the activation link. This will route you to a webpage displaying ‘Success! Your account is enabled!”.
6. After you've confirmed activation, you'll be able to log in with your account information.